ELLA RUBIN can currently be seen in THE ROSE TATTOO on Broadway where she stars as Rosa, the daughter of Serafina, who is played by Marisa Tomei. On the big screen she has been featured in THE REWRITE, a film in which she also plays Marisa Tomei’s daughter. She can be seen on the small screen in the Hulu series DIFFICULT PEOPLE, Showtime’s BILLIONS and UNFORGETTABLE on CBS. Ella studied theater and performing arts at New York’s Professional Children’s School.


Ella is an advocate for social change and raising awareness for climate change.  She recently enforced a new policy in her high school to turn the cafeteria entirely green, and enforce once a week “eco-awareness” day.  This summer she traveled to Tanzania to help build a kitchen at a school that didn’t have one (and therefore wasn’t able to serve lunch), and has also traveled to Peru to help enforce women’s access to education and to Costa Rica to learn about turtle conservation in their oceans.